Confirmation Program 2024-2025
Confirmation enriches the baptized with the strength of the Holy Spirit so that they can better witness to Christ in word and deed (CCC, no. 1285).
Anointed by the Holy Spirit at Confirmation, Christians strengthen their bond with the Church and become better equipped to carry out the Church’s mission of love and service. Confirmation is a two-year program. Starting August 2024, the Confirmation Program is changing to confirm 6th grade students. If your child was in youth group last year as a 7th grader, we will honor them getting confirmed in 2025. Going forward, mandatory formal formation will take place within Catechesis of the Good Shepherd Wednesday evenings from 5pm to 6pm. Middle School EDGE youth group will be directly after CGS from 6:15 to 7:15pm on Wednesdays and is NOT mandatory for Confirmation and is informal formation that will help them grow in their faith and their Christian community. We hope your child feels welcomed and invited to attend EDGE out of desire and not requirement. For more information, please call the parish office at (727) 595-4610 or email Taylor Gunn at: [email protected] |
Confirmation Registration Form 2024-2025
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