The Stewardship Committee is a group of parishioners who work to further Stewardship through Time, Talent and Treasure. Contact the parish office at 727-595-4610
This group is dedicated to raising awareness of religious vocations through services, fellowship, resources and prayer. Part of their work is to help identify and support those in our parish who are discerning ordained life. Contact the parish office at 727-595-4610
Finance Council - The Finance Council is comprised of parishioners, selected by the Pastor, to assist in the administration of the goods of the parish. Members are knowledgeable in accounting management, planning and budgeting.
The Stewardship Committee is a group of parishioners who work to further Stewardship through Time, Talent and Treasure. Contact the parish office at 727-595-4610
This group is dedicated to raising awareness of religious vocations through services, fellowship, resources and prayer. Part of their work is to help identify and support those in our parish who are discerning ordained life. Contact the parish office at 727-595-4610
Finance Council - The Finance Council is comprised of parishioners, selected by the Pastor, to assist in the administration of the goods of the parish. Members are knowledgeable in accounting management, planning and budgeting.