Dear Friends,
In the last 2-3 years, we have all experienced change in our lives. Because of those changes, we may find we have to take necessary steps now to protect our loved ones and make sure our wishes are carried out. While the topic isn’t an easy one, estate planning and making life decisions is vital. We need to ask ourselves:
· Have circumstances changed for those I wanted to support through my estate?
· Are our estate documents in place?
· Have I reviewed them in the last couple of years?
I have also found that creating or updating our estate documents can ensure those we love know what we want and make a very emotionally difficult time easier for them.
I invite you to join me in the Parish Center on April 26, 2023 at 9:30am (after the 9am Mass) for our Life & Legacy Planning Seminar. The seminar, presented by the Catholic Foundation, will include presentations from professionals in estate law and financial planning will be in attendance to cover topics such as: Wills, Durable Power of Attorney, Living Wills Health Care Surrogacy, beneficiary designations, trusts and other income-producing, tax saving opportunities.
This information is so important, and I hope you can attend and take advantage of the informational session.
Please RSVP by (date) by:
· Email Chris McBride at [email protected]
· Call our reservation line at: (727) 595-4610 x304
Please leave your name, number of people attending and a phone number or email we can reach you at if necessary.
Sincerely yours in Christ,
Fr. Tom Morgan
In the last 2-3 years, we have all experienced change in our lives. Because of those changes, we may find we have to take necessary steps now to protect our loved ones and make sure our wishes are carried out. While the topic isn’t an easy one, estate planning and making life decisions is vital. We need to ask ourselves:
· Have circumstances changed for those I wanted to support through my estate?
· Are our estate documents in place?
· Have I reviewed them in the last couple of years?
I have also found that creating or updating our estate documents can ensure those we love know what we want and make a very emotionally difficult time easier for them.
I invite you to join me in the Parish Center on April 26, 2023 at 9:30am (after the 9am Mass) for our Life & Legacy Planning Seminar. The seminar, presented by the Catholic Foundation, will include presentations from professionals in estate law and financial planning will be in attendance to cover topics such as: Wills, Durable Power of Attorney, Living Wills Health Care Surrogacy, beneficiary designations, trusts and other income-producing, tax saving opportunities.
This information is so important, and I hope you can attend and take advantage of the informational session.
Please RSVP by (date) by:
· Email Chris McBride at [email protected]
· Call our reservation line at: (727) 595-4610 x304
Please leave your name, number of people attending and a phone number or email we can reach you at if necessary.
Sincerely yours in Christ,
Fr. Tom Morgan