Prayer Corner

Email us at [email protected] or call or text to 727-314-1166
Prayer Corner Daily Readings for Mass
Stations of the Cross
Novena to Our Lady of Perpetual Help
Lent Penance Service
If you have a prayer request please email Fr. Tom at [email protected] or leave a message at the parish office number (727)595-4610 and let us know the name of the person you wish to pray for and whether they or ill or deceased or are in need of some type of special prayer. You can also contact our prayer ministry at:
Creating our Faith Routine for our "Domestic Church" the Home:
1. Create a family or individual altar: use icons, statues, crucifix, candles, place the Bible on your home altar. (see the photo below for other ideas)
2. Establish a set time to gather at the home altar for prayer, reflection, and faith discussion.
3. Read the Mass readings and discuss or reflect before Daily and Sunday Mass:…
4. Watch St. Jerome live-streamed Daily and Sunday Masses: 9:00 am Monday through Friday and 4:00 pm Saturday Vigil.(the Masses are always archived and can be watched at a later time.
Prayer Corner Daily Readings for Mass
Stations of the Cross
Novena to Our Lady of Perpetual Help
Lent Penance Service
If you have a prayer request please email Fr. Tom at [email protected] or leave a message at the parish office number (727)595-4610 and let us know the name of the person you wish to pray for and whether they or ill or deceased or are in need of some type of special prayer. You can also contact our prayer ministry at:
Creating our Faith Routine for our "Domestic Church" the Home:
1. Create a family or individual altar: use icons, statues, crucifix, candles, place the Bible on your home altar. (see the photo below for other ideas)
2. Establish a set time to gather at the home altar for prayer, reflection, and faith discussion.
3. Read the Mass readings and discuss or reflect before Daily and Sunday Mass:…
4. Watch St. Jerome live-streamed Daily and Sunday Masses: 9:00 am Monday through Friday and 4:00 pm Saturday Vigil.(the Masses are always archived and can be watched at a later time.
An Act of Spiritual Communion
It has long been a Catholic understanding that when circumstances prevent one from receiving Holy Communion it is possible to make an Act of Spiritual Communion, which is a source of grace. Spiritual Communion is an ardent desire to receive Jesus in the most holy sacrament, lovingly embrace Him at a time when circumstances are when one cannot receive him in Sacramental Communion. The most common reason for making an Act of Spiritual Communion is when a person cannot attend Mass. Acts of Spiritual Communion increase our desire to receive Sacramental Communion and help us avoid the sins that would make us unable to receive Holy Communion worthily. “My Jesus, I believe that You are present in the Most Holy Sacrament. I love You above all things, and I desire to receive You into my soul. Since I cannot at this moment receive You sacramentally, come at least spiritually into my heart. I embrace You as if You were already there and unite myself wholly to You. Never permit me to be separated from You. Amen.” Prayer Against Temptation
Behold me, O my God, at Your feet! I do not deserve mercy, but O my Redeemer, the blood with You have shed for me encourages me and obliges me to hope for it. How often I have offended You, repented, and yet have I again fallen into the same sin. O my God, I wish to amend, and in order to be faithful to You, I will place all my confidence in You. I will, whenever I am tempted, instantly have recourse to You. Until now, I have trusted in my own promises and resolutions and have neglected to recommend myself to You in my temptations. This has been the cause of my repeated failures. From this day forward, be You, O Lord, my strength, and this shall I be able to do all things, for “I can do all things in Him who strengthens me.” Amen. |
Slow Me Down Lord
Slow me down Lord Ease the pounding of my heart by the quieting of my mind. Steady my hurried pace with a vision of the eternal march of time. Give me amid the confusion of the day, the calmness of the eternal hills. Break the tension of my nerves and muscles with the soothing music of the singing streams that live in my memory. Help me to know the magical restoring power of sleep. Teach me the art of taking MINUTE vacations, Of slowing down to look at a flower, to chat with a friend, to pat a dog, to read a few lines of a good book. Slow me down Lord and inspire me to send my roots deep into the soil of life's enduring values that I may grow toward the stars of my greater destiny. Author: Wilfred A. Peterson |